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Final Fantasy's recent propensity for genre hopping has made it next to impossible to get excited for any new entry. Why should I be excited if I don't know what I am going to get? MMO, turn based, or action? It's an identity crisis with the main series, that should have been resolved with different series within the Final Fantasy brand.

Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Online
Final Fantasy Action

If I wanted to play an action rpg, there are other game series and developers I'd rely on for that. It's like if Civilization VII was suddenly an RTS. Why would I want that? What I want from Final Fantasy is a turn based system with some new twist and creative character building that the series is known for.

As far as I'm concerned, this game isn't Final Fantasy. Neither was XI, XIV, or XV. This is not to say they are bad games, and they are clearly of the Final Fantasy brand. But are they a part of the "main" series? Is the "main" series dead? Possibly. I will mourn and move on. I'll probably buy XVI when it's in the bargain bin. Action rpgs really aren't my thing, but if it gets good reviews, I'll give it a look.