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Xxain said:

Have you heard of Bravely Default? It has taken classic Final Fantasy and wrapped it up in new IP,  that is new in name only. You should pick it up if you havent.

I have noticed that there is a lot of bitching about the little bits of battle system we saw, based off that it reminds you of XV, without considering the idea that the lead combat designer for the DMC games is charge of the battle system. Square Enix understands that some did not like the action based battle system of XV and are putting somebody more knowledgeable in the field in charge. Is there a reason that there is a lack of consideration for that .... or is it just a cover for " Its not turn based"?

I have heard of Bravely Default, I'm sure it's great, it's not Final Fantasy though. I'm a fan of Final Fantasy.

Oh we have considered that which is why many people here are comparing it to DMC, the question isn't how he added action combat style to FFXVI, I've sure he has done a great job. It's why SquEnix has given it an action based combat system and not what FF is known for, the ATB (turn based).

GoOnKid said:

Third paragraph: Perhaps. It might work, I guess it's just me, then. I like to think that Final Fantasy always trys to reinvent itself, that's why it changed it's battle mechanics in every game. Sometimes the changes are subtile, sometimes they're fundamental, but they'are always a bit different from one another. I believe that the action focused direction which the series is currently taking had already been settled with FFXIII and especially FFXV.

Second paragraph: I understand and I feel you on this, I am a huge fan of the old FF games myself. With FFXII and then XIII the battle system was changed fundamentally, but I still liked them both even though I was a bit sceptical at first. So maybe I will like ths one as well if I just give it a go. Maybe you'll end up enjoying at as well, who knows.

First paragraph: Now here is the thing: This Final Fantasy XVI will still align quite well into the entire series, maybe even better than FFXV did. We are still getting an epic tale of kingdoms and empires, alliances and betrayals, magic and technology, dramatic battles and large areas to explore. It's all there. All infused with series staples like typical job classes (we've seen knights, a dragoon, and summoners), classic Summons like Titan, Shiva, Phoenix and Ifrit, and of course Chocobos. Let's imagine that this, along with this new battle system, is the evolution that Square Enix has in mind with the series.

The 'reinvention' isn't as robust as people claim, else by now you'd think we should be playing some kind of shooter (they are the most popular after all :P). Latest FF games haven't reinvented ATB or turn based, they are replacing it. To me, they've decied for some reason (I still don't know why) that the ATB is wrong and that it's no longer wanted. This is what I don't get.

The gameplay here may be good (generally all FF games are good, even FF13 which is my least favourite of the ones I've played, it's a bad FF game but a good game) and as a fan of the series I'm very likely to pick it up and I'll probably enjoy it but still doesn't mean I think it's a Final Fantasy game as I like them.

Hmm, pie.