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Switch successor (I call it Switch 2) won't be released before 7 years in life of current standard Switch

And I, personally, think it will be released either on christmas on 2024 or early 2025.

Switch new model (I call it Switch 1.5) is coming early next year

It's already 3 years (maybe even 4 years) from Switch 1.5 to Switch 2. It's enough time, it's not like Switch 2 will suffer from huge demand for the Switch 1.5

People who buy a console late (half of the console lifecycles) won't buy Switch 2 on release either. They will wait to buy Switch 2 as well

There is also a point, Switch 1.5 and Switch 1 catalog will be 99% the same. It's just 1.5 will have better graphics and maybe more stable framerates, so late games will run more smoothly on 1.5, I also think some PS4/Xbox ports that will come from gargabe (Outer Worlds) to something more decent

Switch 2 games will be another thing entirely. Their games won't run on Switch 1, and probably won't play on Switch 1.5 either. I don't see how 1.5 released almost 4 years before and with much lower specs can affect Switch 2