Barozi said:
"they never stopped living normally" You mean aside from having a bigger economic decline and higher unemployment rate than the other Nordic countries? "they have made their largest number of test last week, conclusion, it is nearly over there" "Over the past week the country carried out more than 120,000 tests, of which only 1.3 per cent identified the disease." Germany's been below 1.3% since the end of May (with one week in between slightly above it at 1.37%). That's hardly an impressive number and shows just how much worse the Swedes handled it. I didn't check the numbers but I think Denmark, Norway and Finland had a much much lower number than Germany even. And let's not talk about the death rate which is 5 times higher than Denmark, 9 times higher than Finland and almost 12 times higher than Norway... |
As a french, I am just seeing that Sweden had as much death approx. as Italy and France, and yet they had no full lock down, and they could and are still living without mask. Today the 2nd wave doesn't take off in Sweden and it does in France. I am spared now from all this hysteria because I live in a far area of Hungary, but I am seriously considering searching a job in Sweden now.