melbye said:
Oh just stop it, if Trump was a fascist or authoritarian the violent revolutionary communists wouldn't have been allowed to riot for over 100 days, anti-Trump media would have been shut down long ago and the governor and mayors that hate him wouldn't have been allowed to run the states and cities as they want |
The Tiananmen Square protests lasted for 2 weeks and they were only isolated to a single city. The Hong Kong protests are still going strong after over a year, also only isolated in a single city. Are you saying China is not authoritarian fascist? The Belarus protests are still happening. Is Putin not authoritarian and fascist?
What kind of fucked up metric is "length of time until a protest is suppressed" for dictator like behavior? Trump said himself on multiple occasions how much he admires the different dictators of the world. Even if he is not a dictator yet, it is clear that it's what he wants to be. Remember federal agents kidnapping people and those concentration camps for asylum seekers? You'd have to be willfully blind to not recognize a wannabe despot.
Last edited by vivster - on 10 September 2020If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.