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Pemalite said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

I've yet to play any uncharted game on PC, or killzone, or god of war.. I think saying all come to PC is too soon.

An emulator called "RPCS3" will allow you to play Uncharted 1,2 and 3, The Last of Us on PC. - And improvements are happening rapidly.

Here is Killzone as well.

And here is God of War.

ArchangelMadzz said:

I said in the OP there's nothing wrong with my card and it performs great. But.. given the price of these cards I want to start playing games in 4k without compromising on visuals and frame rate (2070s is more akin to PS5/XSX and will make big sacrifices to do 4k 60fps nevermind RT), which atm is only realistic on the 3000 series cards (that's been announced).

You could push DLSS to tie you over, but if you feel you don't wish to sacrifice any visuals, then perhaps the 3080 is what the doctor ordered.
I mean you are going to get a PS5 either way.

ArchangelMadzz said:

I'm sure the 3090 demo was 8k 60fps but you're probably joking anyway aha. 

Point I was making is that the PC isn't tied to console constraints, you can take things further than 8k for example.
16k? Doable. 32k? Also yes.

In all honesty, I think 1440P is probably the best resolution for PC at the moment, it allows you to drive up temporal resolution. (I.E. 120-360hz) and visual settings.
The PC is also not consoles, we sit and perceive our displays allot differently than what a console gamer would on a television... Super sampled 1440P is pretty damn good.

Oh right I see, I wasn't really considering emulators, it's not really my kind of thing. 

The better the base resolution the better DLSS looks. 1440p ai upscaled to 4k > 1080p ai upscaled to 4k. Plus general graphics settings that demand more VRAM running better anyway. 

Yeah but obviously that requires more money, plus you're talking about future tech that doesn't exist today so you could make an argument "Well a PS7 could run 8K so there aren't constraints" but it doesn't exist yet and we don't even have the display bandwidth standards to do higher than 8k60fps.

1440p is the best resolution for PC in a value sense, but now that it's possible to play games at max settings 4k60fps the people that do want to do that can

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