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Now with multiple sources coming out saying a new Switch model is releasing with potentially an updated CPU or Updated RAM with potentially 1.4TFlops of performance, some credible like Bloomberg, do you think 2021 will be the year a Switch pro releases?

TBH I'm on the fence with it. Because multiple so called "credible" sources and major news outlets predicted a Switch pro would release this year in 2020. However, obviously that ended up not being true. So while Bloomberg and other sources are currently coming out and saying a new Switch model will release in 2021, I'm still somewhat doubtful to believe it.

However, at the same time I feel like it'll make sense for Nintendo to want to release a new model once the Switch hits that 4 year mark to continue its momentum going forward, it's likely that the Switch will peak in 2020 and Nintendo likely would want to keep the Switch's 2nd half strong with another Switch model, since the more options the merrier. And 4 years seems like a reasonable time-frame for Nintendo to release a new model, Nintendo did that with the New 3DS where it launched approximately 4 Years after the OG 3DS and the DSI launched 4 years after the original DS.

I'm also somwhat doubtful of a Switch pro because Nintendo has proven for the past 15 years that they couldn't give less fucks about power, I'm doubtful that Nintendo would be willing to release a 1.4TFLOP Switch that blows the OG Switch out the water that may be priced at a hefty 400$. I don't think Nintendo would be willing to have to deal with optimizing their games to look their best on an OG Switch and Switch Pro and price it at 400$ when not once Nintendo has priced a console over 400$, even when you adjust for inflation.

Also another question, what do you guys expect Nintendo to do with a Switch pro? Will it mainly be a slight upgrade like the New 3DS where the Switch's architecture is left the same just maybe make the Tegra X1 slightly more efficient/powerful. Or do you expect a noticeably large leap where the Switch uses a more modern GPU with more RAM, kinda like a leap from the OG Xbox One to the Xbox One X? Also, outside of specs what else would you expect from a Switch pro?

TBH I'm hopeful for a Switch pro, the rumor that Bloomberg is pointing towards is a 1.4TFLOP Switch, which would be amazing for a portable device that would essentially perform at PS4 level.