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Nighthawk117 said:
Pemalite said:

Personally it doesn't matter where it came from or how it started.

Your wrong.  It has everything to do with where it came from. 

Otherwise, next year we will have Covid-21, after that Covid-22, then 23, etc.

Do we all agree this virus originated in Wuhan, China? At a wet market there....

Then why the fuck are these wet markets still allowed to operate throughout China?

That's FUCKING insane and we will see another coronavirus soon.

These virus has existed in some form for a long time, it can start outside of China, it can happen outside of a wet-market.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with China on almost everything, it's just not relevant in stopping the current issue.
Swine-Flu pandemic started in Mexico.
Bird-Flu started in Hong Kong.
Zika Virus started in Uganda.
Ebola in Africa.
HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Smallpox from Egypt/Middle East.
Typhoid from Britain.

The point is... Pandemics can start from anywhere in the world (Although more likely in less developed nations due to lack of process and procedures relating to sanitation and cleanliness.)

But in order to deal with these Pandemics we need to take an all-hazards approach to dealing with them, it needs to be a concerted effort made across the entire planet.
COVID-19 has shown us which nations have the appropriate plans and processes in place in dealing with these occurrences and which do not, such as the United States.
The origins of the virus are thus irrelevant because we are going to have new diseases occur over time whether we like it or not, it's happened all through history across the entire planet. - What is truly important is how we manage such diseases in order to curb it's impact on society and how quickly we can initiate counter measures and ultimately save lives.

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