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Weekly update, stagnation

Worldwide daily reported cases dropped by 2.3% compared to last week, 1.76 million new cases this week, 23.1 million total.
Reported deaths dropped slightly as well, -1.7% compared to last week, 40K new deaths, 802K total.

The cases in the USA are dropping steadily, -18% compared to last week, 317K new cases this week, 5.8 million total.
Reported deaths are still going up, +4.2% compared to last week, 7,700 new deaths this week, 179K total.

Cases in Europe keep rising, +50% this week due to corrections last week, 185K new cases this week, 3.3 million total.
Reported deaths are rising slightly as well, +2.5% compared to last week, 2,313 new deaths this week, 205K total.

The rest of the continents

North America is declining, -15% compared to last week.
South America is declining as well, -8% compared to last week.
Asia is slowly increasing, +1.3% compared to last week.
Africa is declining, -6% compared to last week
Oceania is also heading back down, -47% compared to last week.

Europe is doing the worst this week.

Around the world

India remains the biggest contributor, 448K new cases last week and 6,794 new deaths.
The USA sits in second place, 317K new cases last week and 7,700 new deaths.
Brazil in third, 258K new cases last week and 6,883 new deaths.

The big three are responsible for 58% of the reported cases and 53% of the reported deaths.

South Africa is seeing the biggest decline, then Australia followed by Japan and China.
Iran and Canada remain at about the same level.
South Korea is trying to slow down their latest out break.

Europe in detail

Denmark is heading back down, most are still on the rise or are keeping things from getting worse.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 22 August 2020