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Developer: Playgorund Games
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Plattforms: Xbox Series X / Win10

Fable will be a reboot of the very popular and successful Fable series, which was originally developed by Lionhead Studios.
It has been 10 years since the last Fable release (main series), which was Fable III in 2010.

I would describe Fable as crossover between RPG and Action Adventure. It has elements of both genres and it does not take itself too serious.
It makes you giggle and has such a unique atmosphere to it like I haven't seen it too often in a video game.

This is also a new team for Playground Games.

Here are some of the people working on Fable:

As you can see, Microsoft hired some very talented people with lots of experience in Open World games.
And some great storyteller are part of that team as well.

As I mentioned, the atmosphere is very unique in the fable series. The artwork and the setting is outstanding IMO.
So I hope that this will be no different with this title.

Here are some artworks from Thomas Chamberlain-Keen Concept Artist at Playground Games

These are not Fable artworks! It is the work of one of the Concept artists working on Fable.

Here is what Matt Booty (Head of Xbox Studios) had to say about Fable:

“I just look at what Playground has done with the Horizon series – that attention to detail, the ability to represent these naturalistic landscapes. They also have a real passion for the IP and a unique point of view on what’s core to Fable. Everything I’ve seen as the game progresses tells me this is going to be a very high-quality release.”

“With any kind of franchise like that, where you’ve had existing versions, there’s always that balance between what you’re going to bring forward, what still stands up, and what you want to add that’s new, it’s like the challenge of making a new Star Wars movie – there’s stuff that everyone wants you to bring along, but then you’ve got a responsibility to take that to new places and I trust Playground has a good vision for that.”

I will keep this thread updated as soon as we will get more information.

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