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padib said:
OhNoYouDont said:

It is immoral to call out misapprehensions? That's a weird idea.

It's fine to have your own concept of what a baby is, but when you are communicating with other humans and you want to use a definition outside the confines of standardized ones, it's entirely your burden to make that clear. At no point in your post did you even come close to hinting that was the case.

So tell me, what is the definition of baby in your head you are using so I can better address you?

Alright, let's talk true.

Containers full of fetus parts, and the death of fetuses, to me is not so different than a container full of dead babies. I see it as an attack on humans that humans are doing. I see it as an evil thing, and I see it as very immoral.

Let's get off terms and say what I exactly feel.

I have no agenda, there's no propaganda. This is my point of view.

What then is yours? When you see the situation, broken pieces of proto-babies, piled up in blood in a container, how does your soul feel inside?

I know you weren't talking to me, but my feeling is's a fertilized egg, I'm sorry. I mean opponents of abortion really like to dramatize rare third-trimester abortions and portray them as the rule, but in reality more than 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester at points when the "unborn baby" looks nothing like a baby, has no consciousness at all, cannot exist outside of the woman's body, and cannot even necessarily feel any pain. I frequently see people online compare that to the Holocaust, which is just...ridiculous, in my view. Most Jewish people seem to think it's ridiculous too, considering that 83% of them poll as pro-choice.

I mean you're free to hold whatever view you want to of it, and I'm sure it's easy for you to preach about this as someone who is biologically incapable of becoming pregnant, but I would just point out that women have abortions for real reasons, like not being able to afford another child. Maybe your partner, on whom you were financially dependent, broke up with you between your impregnation and the current point in time, for example. This stuff happens. If not by at least weighing the option of terminating such a pregnancy, then how do you 'take responsibility for your actions' at that point? Maybe if you tried to put yourself in the place of an abandoned women who can't afford the rent let alone more children or say a 13-year-old who made a mistake or a rape survivor for example, maybe you'd begin to at least understand why abortions happen.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 08 August 2020