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Leynos said:
I don't drink or do drugs and never have a creative shortage as my brain honestly never stops going. It's coming up with stuff 24/7 and I struggle to sleep because of it. I sleep very little and been that way forever. I come with ideas for things or stories or solutions to problems. I try to write them down but kinda lose track sometimes. They just sorta pop in day and night. My body is always tired but my brain is always on high alert.

I see it the exact opposite, it's not for lack of ideas that alcohol becomes helpful - it's the heavy abundance of them and not being able to weave them in that creates the need for it. A bit of alcohol gives that clarity to look past all the stuff that doesn't work or how to make it work if it should be in there.

Another area where alcohol comes in helpful is when I'm sitting down and actually writing (and it might work differently for others). Every element, the conflict, the tension, the visual, the action, the perspective and how the other elements live within that perspective, and how it all weaves together (if it's an article, a work of fiction, or something else). I will drink when working on spreadsheets too, especially for unique cases where I don't already have a template worked out.

Where the cannabis becomes helpful is having all of those elements sitting before you, expressed in words, and then being able to perceive the complexity, and see the knots, where stuff needs to be flattened, compressed, and stretched... moulded into a greater work.

In music, I can see how cannabis works well, because the complexity of the sound is FAR easier to analyze than the sober mind - which is WAY muddier in terms of how it all blends (if that makes sense, I think musicians MIGHT be able to kind of see what I'm getting at).

For example,

When sober, the song is one thing, when high the song is at least 4 things. I think, even sober, you can kind of perceive a bit of what I mean here.

All the different layers are crystal clear, and you can hear exactly how they all come together. The more subtle lower layers of the song can be brought up to the surface. And while the sober mind can dig through it, the experience just isn't the same. Anyway, I can see how cannabis would greatly enhance the musical making process, in fact, I can hardly imagine composing or producing without it. Because you have your instruments, and you can kind of edit while going along.

But I wonder (since I'm not a composer by any means), with music, would you start with the weed? Or would that come into the process while jamming or tweaking?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.