IcaroRibeiro said: Europeans How is the current situation of your country? Are services totally open? Are services partially closed? And events? |
In denmark, everything is basically back to normal.
Almost no one wears a mask (we never really did the mask thing).
We still try to keep distance, but we're more lax now than just a month or two ago.
handsanitisers at every shop, ect.
We got down to like 250 active cases, in the country.
Now daily infections are starting to rise abit, and active cases are around ~500.
(we're testing more, hopeing to spot more infections, so they can be isolated)
Our "lowest" hospitalsations was down to 16 patients.
Now its currently 18, so its basically the same.... not to far off.
we have 3 people in the ICU with coronavirus (2 on respirators).
Every week or so, someone would die to corona virus.... deaths seem to be dropping still.
But with cases now riseing, maybe a month from now, there will be abit more.
By basically back to normal, ofc stuff like night clubs (disco's) and such still arn't open (big crowded events).
They have started asking people to wear a "mask" if your useing collective transportation (bus/trains).
Fun fact, we call these "mund bind" in danish (a mouth binding/covering) (even though they also cover the nose).
Mask as a word is usually left for like halloween, type masks.