JRPGfan on 01 August 2020
NEW from CDC: #COVID19 outbreak at an overnight camp in Georgia infects *at least* 260 campers & staff.
-51% of positives 6-10yo
-44% 11-17 yo
-Camp required a test <12 days before arriving & attempted "pods"
-Masks required for staff but NOT campers
— Amy Maxmen, PhD (@amymaxmen) July 31, 2020
Who "in their right mind" sends their kids to a 5 day long "over night" outdoor's camp, during a pandemic?
597 of them.. and 76% tested positive?
"Reopen the schools, kids are immune, trust me, im the president of the USA!"
Theres reports that kids have viral loads that are like 100 times higher than adults.
They dont die to it in the numbers that the elderly do, but their fantastic spreaders.
Alot of them (even the kids) will get permanent brain/kidney/heart/lunge damage as well.
mom&dad got 5 days without hyper active kids yelling at them.
Relax time.... kids got covid19 and lasting damage to their bodies, and will now bring it back home to their parents.
(unless they keep the kids locked away at the camp, isolateing them from their parents for a few weeks more)