Alara317 said:
It's not about cancelling, it's about educating. The best you can really hope to do is get through to a small fraction of people and have them go where the facts carry them, even if it's more difficult than where they might have been. There's a reason people mostly call situations like this 'teachable moments'. Some people go too far in both directions (Some people are TOO offensive and do so without wit or intelligence to back it up) and some people go overboard on 'cancel culture', but for the most part everyone wants what's best and ideally we'd do so by educating others on the matter. In almost all examples of internet outrage culture, you're seeing the vocal minority. Like with The Last of Us 2, you got a contingent of SUPER DUPER angry fans about the various plot elements...but the game still sold remarkably well and got great reviews. The people who liked it or loved it generally see it's frivolous to try and argue with people who hate it, so they simply say their piece and move on. Most of the time. but the people that hate it? They'll tell you every chance they get, repeatedly, and with as many different variations on the wordings as they can muster. Hate, like ignorance, is far easier to spread because it hits a primal part of our brain. IT's a lot easier to rally AGAINST something than rally FOR something. It's easier to take the quick, wrong answer than the accurate, complicated answer. |
I believe you know what is the cancelling culture, and by your answer it seems you aren't part of it. Ok.
duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"
Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"
Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."