Alara317 said: That's why it's so important to not be complacent. that's why education is so important. that's why it's so frustrating to see you and others so vehemently against taking action or loudly countering the wrong arguments and bigotry that people like LonelyDolphin are tacitly endorsing. Whether LoneyDolphin is a bigot or not, he's saying bigoted things. What he believes for real is irrelevant, because he's still saying 'AllLivesMatter'. And, to someone watching, that's a true statement. all lives do in fact matter. But that strips away all the nuance of why "BlackLivesMatter" is so important. He continually ignores the explanations on how it doesn't mean Black Lives matter More or ONLY black lives matter. IT doesn't mean white lives don't matter. He and others on this forum regularly ignore stuff like that because it's inconvenient and all they see is an insult against them or some weird sort of counterbalance that they think has gone too far in one direction. |
Cute that you think not replying to me is going to stop me from calling you out on your bullshit for everyone to see. You think you can just falsely accuse me of bigotry, call me a racist nazi, and run away to talk about me behind my back? Ha! Well you are the same guy who claims flaming is an effective way to change minds... even though I'm still here and my mind hasn't changed.
Firstly, believing all lives matter is pretty much the exact opposite of bigotry, but we already knew you have no idea what that word even means and are just throwing it around on a whim. Secondly, I never said that myself, in this thread or any other. While it'd be nice if it were true, frankly most people's lives don't matter in the grand scheme of things, mine certainly doesn't. Anywho, the bolded you've also pulled completely out your ass.
I don't expect you to bother trying to explain or prove anything you say, but for anyone who cares enough, you can go through my post history and see that such conversations never happened. I only had 1 short discussion involving BLM in the US politics thread which was about the movement's actions and not it's name. Naturally I don't care about sweet nothing names and phrases that everyone uses to gain favor, including evil oppressive forces. Actions speak louder than words and all that.
Also, I still love how you think spamming "no you're wrong I'm right because I say so!" like a child is somehow going to educate anyone or make you appear to be right to neutral onlookers, especially after you just got upset with a neutral onlooker for being a neutral onlooker. Your strategy is so laughably juvenile, I can't believe that's the best you could come up with after 12 years when it takes only 5 seconds to see how counterproductive it is. It's safe to say I've done more for social progress, as by using logic and reason I've convinced some people to see the error in their negative beliefs towards groups of people because, you know, these beliefs are based on a lack of information and understanding, namely the fact that we're all human.
Bigots/racist/sexist/homophobes/etc. obviously put importance on division, on group association/race/gender/sexuality/etc. Therefore I push the notion that these things aren't important, that we're all the same. I was getting at this in my conversation with the-pi-guy. For you to still call me a bigot only shows you don't at all understand what you're supposedly fighting against, just using it as an excuse to openly flame people. You're not helping anyone, just inflating your own ego. "Look at me I'm making saving the world, my life is totally important, give me likes plz!" Well it is good entertainment so I wont tell you to stop haha.