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Blacks aren't the only ones being killed by police.

All Lives Matter covers all lives, not just black lives.

Let me ask a very simple question.  When you see the police kill a white person who is unarmed and that same police officer gets off scott free what exactly do you do about it.  This is the general question, if you do nothing, if you just accept it as status quo then all lives actually do not mean anything to you.  You see, POC have gotten to the point where they are pissed off that it happens and continue to happen in our society.  People that come with the all lives matter are the same people who has ignored this problems for decades.  They did nothing, will do nothing and want to somehow join the party because they do not see an actual issue.  So when you see BLM, think of it as POC saying we are tired of this happening and if the people who want to parade All Lives matter then they need to get off their buts and seek change as well.  Saying that the Police kill white people or any other race is great, but what are you going to do about it.