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Runa216 said:
sales2099 said:

Hey I get it, you have good personal reason to be who you are. The misteps aren’t lost on me either. Doesn’t change you are now jaded and have a more pessimistic view. I chose to be more optimistic

I’m simply seeing them doing things that they never did even at their best (early 360 years). They invest in powerful hardware, which is something I wanted after Xbox One disappointed. Their BC approach is the best in the industry, and I do use that time to time. Carrying forward my library matters to me. Game Pass allows me to play thousands of dollars worth of games for cheap. The trinity appeals to me. And now they have more games in development then they ever had. Far away or not it’s signs of genuine change, regardless of how long I have to wait to play all of them. I don’t need to see gameplay to have 100% faith in Obsidian and Playground. 

And imo, the PC route they taking is genius. For console only gamers this means nothing for obvious reasons. People who game on PC either do so exclusively or have a combination of PS and Nintendo. They have 0 motivation to get a Xbox console. MS found a way to make them Xbox gamers. Even people like Goopy admit to going to play Halo on PC. That alone should tell you something. MS literally is making customers out of haters, adding to their ecosystem. They give them money, even if through Steam, make a Xbox account, and most importantly...give them their precious time instead of playing somewhere else.

So I guess that’s it. We just have a different outlook. That and PS exclusives just don’t appeal to me. I mean KZ and LOU are tempting but the sequels just didn’t do it for me narratively speaking. They hardly offer any multiplayer either which is huge to me. 

That's not optimism, that's delusion. Back when the Xbox One came out and they promised a rejuvenated life cycle after the twilight years of the 360 were barren, THAT's optimism. "Yeah, they did it before, they can do it again!" THAT is optimism. This? 7 years later and STILL no fulfillment on promises? 7 years later and they're still touting 'the most powerful console' yet having nothing to show for it? 7 years later and they STILL haven't been able to launch a new IP or get good games with all the companies they own? 7 years later and we STILL don't have Scalebound? 7 years later and they're STILL Suffering a drought of high quality, high-profile games? 7 years later and they STILL can't bring old franchises back to their glory days?

You're not a fan or a fanatic or a fanboy, you're an abused spouse who won't leave because you've got it in your head this is the only way. Microsoft keeps hurting you and you keep coming back despite all your friends telling you he's abusive. Hell, you even know they're abusive but you have faith they'll get better despite all the evidence pointing to the contrary. Despite all the lies and failures, you still trust them. 

I don't even wanna argue with you anymore. I just feel sorry for you. Especially since it seems even you agree that them going third party would be best for everyone. You said their "PC strategy" is genius. You love Microsoft studios and gamepass, not Xbox. 

MY argument has always been that this presentation and everything in the last 7 years has not led up to having ANY reason to buy an Xbox. You concede that the value is in GamePass and playing the games on PC and have done little to nothing to say the Xbox Itself is a good deal. You're still arguing, even though all your points seem to agree with me. You agree that Microsoft is better not as a console manufacturer but as a game developer, yet you're still getting every jab in that you can any time I criticize the company. You defend Microsoft and the Xbox yet...upon reflection, don't even seem to have faith in the console even after all the nonsense. You're arguing for the console while cheekily avoiding actually making any points about the quality of the console itself.

I guess...when it's all said and done, you accept the Xbox is a lost cause and that Microsoft should focus on making games. 

I think we're done here. 

Says you empathize with other gamers. Then calls me deluded. Beautiful. I mean adding 9 studios in 2 years isn’t something you can fake. It’s not hopeful thinking, it’s a certainty based on unprecedented events. 

You misunderstood my PC stance. For console only gamers Xbox has great appeal to me. Xbox studio games aside from exceptions like Minecraft are synonymous with Xbox consoles. For PC Xbox appeals to gamers that won’t buy the console but still interested in Xbox. They expand the brand, that’s a win. GP is synonymous with the Xbox brand so I do see value in all it offers. To me the console, studios, and services are all part of the package. 

I was willing to be more respectful in our dialogue but you just went full personal. You don’t get to tell me why I like a platform or what my tastes are. You feel sorry for me well ditto. You treat MS like a ex girlfriend with a permanent chip on your shoulder. It’s video games we talking here. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 27 July 2020

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.