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Nah I wasn't calling it a bad thing. Its just like all GaaS style games (I know its a stupid acronym) its a way to get people invested into their games. They can just update and add expansions and people will keep coming back for more content.

This is just turning into a norm for consoles on some games. Which to me is worrying as it gives publishers and excuse to rush and release a game even when its not quite done or polished when it can be patched in. Especially when they are selling a game on a model on the store depend up on it.

I've subscribed to WoW and have subbed many other MMO's so I know that once a game or publisher 'hooks' you in you're basically in. I've been subbed since the origional WoW a few years into release. And come back every once and again.

But I'm looking forward to Fable. I'm hoping they build upon 2 that was a great game. I'm sure Playground Games will do a bang up job on it.