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Runa216 said:

Are you serious right now? I mean, pretty much everything in our modern political discourse has shown just how loud and aggressive bigots are being to justify their bigotry. You'd have to be willfully ignorant or woefully blind to not see what she means by her statements. Seriously, it's like someone said 'the sky is blue' and you're saying 'prove it' or 'that's not what I see'.

Yes I am serious. If what you say is true, should be easy to provide examples.

the-pi-guy said:

Because both sides are exactly the same.  

I don't believe I had made such an assertion.  


It wasn't about Joel's death happening or not.  He lied about what happened before Joel's death.  

He had a skit where they satirized Joel and Tommy handing out all kinds of information like guard routes.  When the reality is they basically gave two pieces of information.  One was their names, and one was a nondescript "we live down the hill".  Which is practically a polite nonanswer to "do you live around here?"  Tommy was the one who pushed Joel into giving his name.  While Joel is very suspicious of the crew, Tommy is being friendly.  Which are their characters.  

That all depends on how you conduct yourself.

Jim Sterling had a harsh review, and no one is calling him a homophobe.

I will say if you're not being direct about what you're actually thinking, then some people are going to assume the worst.  

Which again, are related.  It's relatable for some people to see someone be ostracized for being transgender.  It can be inspiring for someone to see that person rise above their challenges.  

Being alive and being human can make for a good character.  But the absolute best characters, they're the ones you relate with on a deeper level.  Whether it's something silly like liking the same book.  Or whether it's looking the same or going through the same challenges.  

There are entire categories of memes and groups that are dedicated to struggles. 

This isn't a controversial subject.  People relate better to the things that they do, or the people that they are. That should be an obvious concept.

So why not be better instead of inciting and participating in more discussion that isn't about the game itself?

My mistake, you definitely did not say that anywhere, twas purely my bias making me think that was the implication. Still if you do believe that isn't true, why even make these post? Just discuss the game with people if that's truly what you want. There will always be discussions involving identity politics with any popular piece of entertainment, and you can always ignore them.

That all depends on what people feel like, how direct and clear you are be damned. If I call you a racist right now, would you say it must be because of your conduct? No it's because I'm stupid lul. Simply saying you don't like TLOU2 in a more aggressive or impolite way doesn't suddenly make you racist. Making biased assumptions when you lack information isn't an excuse for false accusations either.

Are there not characters you relate with that don't have the same appearance and sexuality as you, or characters that do but you don't relate with? Sure are for me, and as far as I can tell, that can only be explained by appearance and sexuality not mattering for relatability.