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Exactly because my hands are symmetrical. What?

Yeah, because my hands are symmetrical I want my controller to be asymmetrical because I want both my thumbs in their natural position to be on the same horizontal plain; my left one on a stick and my right one on the facebuttons. I don’t get how you can say you want a symmetrical controller because your hands are also symmetrical; on a symmetrical controller like PlayStation’s, I’ll have my right thumb in the natural position over the facebuttons, yet I have to twist my left thumb downward to reach the stick. Which is uncomfortable, unnatural and actually puts your hand in an asymmetrical position. The other way around, like on WiiU, is equally uncomfortable. Naturally my thumbs are in a more upward pointing position, so I want the inputs I use the most to be in a more upward placed position; the stick in the above left, the facebuttons in the above right. Simple really.