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I will admit I got half a mungrel with the Fable 4 announcement.

Halo: Infinite was a big let down, I get artistically they are going "back to basics" but the world just seems sterile, the characters just seem "off".
The Elites look much better though... And engine-wise I don't actually see any new or novel rendering techniques that make me pause, the popin was definitely there and noticeable, some of the sprite work seemed to really stick out for me.

They definitely borrowed some gameplay ideas from Doom, which is fine if they can make it work... End of the day though, it will be about the gameplay, but they definitely need to improve the visuals between now and release, it's not representing what next-gen is all about.

Forza looked amazing, visually it's extremely crisp, clean and looking downright spectacular, levering all the latest and greatest technologies.

Ori getting enhanced for Series X was also a highlight for me, granted it's not even pushing the Xbox One X 100%, that game is art over fidelity, which is a good thing... And something Halo needs to recognize and emulate.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--