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EnricoPallazzo said:
Chicho said:

They were against it because they knew people would empty all the store shelves and medical professional wouldn't be able to get them. They should just have said mask help but don't buy all the masks wear a piece of cloth or make your own mask. The counter argument to that is that people would have done it anyway but what about the loss of credibility? was that lie worth it?

Agree. Also how many lives could be spared if they had told people since the begginning that even a cloth mask would already help?

The bigger problem was waiting far too long to take measures. When Wuhan went into full lock down on Januari 23rd, alarm bells should have been ringing all over the world. But governments all waited for an actual outbreak to happen in their backyard before taking measures. Many were detecting cases for a long time but since it likely wasn't community transfer, no worries! Here the PM still told everyone to enjoy their March break holiday, bringing back tons more cases, while Europe was already in panic mode.

They waited too long to give negative travel advice.
Too long to mandate 2 week quarantine when returning.
And far too long on social distancing and use of masks.

Nobody wanted to disturb the economy, which is now much worse off than if we had acted quickly and decisively. Of course the problem was, how do you convince people it would get bad if you prevent it from getting bad. Fake news and deep distrust of governments and science are partly to blame for the mess we're in. The government doesn't trust the people, and people don't trust the government. What a wonderful world.