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Alara317 said:
Zoombael said:

Are you saying they'll counterbalance the lack of colored people in the future. They haven't counterbalanced up to this point, so i expect to see a lotta non-caucasian AAA single player protagonists. Man, this is going to be an epic counterbalance.

I certainly hope so, but given the backlash games get any time they even TRY to be progressive I imagine that might not be for a while. 

And there's no need to act like diversity isn't good enough if it isn't ALL diversity. I agree we should definitely get more people of colour in games (like, duh, white people are only like 30% of the worldwide population but like 95% of the worldwide protagonists....because most games are made in the US or Europe, I imagine), but it doesn't help your cause to devalue what progress we HAVE made just becuase it's not in the direction you want. All steps forward are good steps, even if they're baby steps. 

How many games got backlash for 'trying' to be progressive? Any time, every game? Every game with a white female protagonist? Got Senuas Sacrifice backlash? I don't remember, but it must have if you say so. Metacritic disagrees. Or is it not trying enough when handling the delicate subject of mental disorder? Did the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series receive backlash for optional gay relationships? Is Miles Morales being blacklashed?

What i constantly witness though is a screeching mob when supposed injustice occurs and the game is perceived not progressive enough.

As it happened recently.

Backlash for Ubisoft not trying enough:

What is next? Backlash against God Of War because a greek dude is voiced by Christopher Judge, a man with african and native american ancestry? The second person of color to give Kratos a voice. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. What matters is the dominating consenus, aka social media echo and gaming press influencer, and how it affects the medium and respective companies, who undoubtetly develop countermeassures to protect their investments, e.g. by taking control of the narrative.

"because most games are made in the US or Europe, I imagine"

Most videogame hardware and software is sold in regions which happen to be predominantly white. White males, white females. Go figure how much non-white skin we're going to see in the future in the tripple A segment. Not significantly less or more than in the olden days. I don't mind that, when i see how hamfisted companies treating the subject and how "progressors" flip and creating drama at every slight misstep. What they perceive as misstep.

Let's hypothesize: The main market for consoles is Africa, consumers predominantly black. You think the skin color of protagonists wouldn't represent the appearance of the target audience?

You're saying counterbalancing today to make up for the lack of women in videogames in the past. What justifies this? There were no 50% female gamers in the past and the proclaimed 50% of today are doubtful.


Regarding Tlou2. Do you believe, if it wasn't for all the "progressiveness" (even though Ellie had her coming out years ago), there'd be no backlash including death threats? 

Why did the follwing happen then?

Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan says he gets DEATH THREATS over Negan role

Or was it in actuallity because of the gay couples in the TWD series, not the severe headache inducing violence done to beloved characters?

Other TWD actors got media attention for receiving death threats. Alanna Masterson who played the lesbian Tara, was also harassed online. Funny enough, according to her own account not for embodying a homosexual or being a scientologist in real life.

By no means is this an attempt to relitivize such behavior. However, your kind desperatly seeks justification to have this elevating feeling of righteousness. Everyone who is not happy with tlou2 is a bigot, homophobe, misogynist. Simply because they don't agree, regardless of how objectively flawed the game is. This is the overruling consesus.

Remember the tweet (or whatever) by Druckman showing selected comments with antisemitic/antigay slurs? These few selected lines are the overruling consensus. Nothing else.


"So yeah, Liberal agendas are good. We need more of them because conservative agendas usually are "HOO RAH GUNS!" or traditionalist or regressive or bigoted."

The problem with that, there is only one group who forces their political agenda and wants to make it a prerequisit in videogames. There is no big push for neonazi, rascism, bigot sandwich maker and sexism games and there never was. Compared to the political dumpsterfire of today videogames once really were diverse.

Social politics n stuff, media focusing on moral 'n ethics seem to have an easy time with critics. Meaning, even when heavily flawed the media piece is reviewed  favorably soley based on its theme, not it's actual substance.

What goes for Movie&TV will apply to videogames...


"All the current political discourse in the world (BLM, Neo Nazis in America, pretty much everything Trump says or does, etc)"

I am US-american/german, black&white and i live in Germany. I wouldn't want to live in the US seeing how north-americans act all PC crazy. Unfortunatly the madness has spread. In Germany it's considered racist now to ask someone where he or she is originally from. It never bothered me, and others i know, but those times are over. Guess now i have to reply with "That's racist!"

"All the current political discourse in the world (BLM, Neo Nazis in America, pretty much everything Trump says or does, etc) boils down to having that last pocket of ignorant bigots crying VERY loudly about their values no longer being accepted and trying their best to not go down without a fight."

To achieve this goal by conforming or exterminating any opposing videogame and franchise. How pleasant. This will certainly do the trick. Gonna be maximum diversity.

Hunting Season is done...