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Rab said:
haxxiy said:

Regardless, the1 AZ vaccine will roll out by the end of the year to at-risk populations and healthcare professionals. So, one way or another, it's more than halfway through already.

Will we hit the more than 300,000 estimated deaths from the 1918 Flu? I don't think so.

1. Covid is related to the cold virus which has never had a successful vaccine developed for it as they both mutate very quickly (every 3 months, much faster than the flu at 12 months)

2. Vaccines take on average 5 years to be developed safely, a rushed vaccine may have its own issues  

3. Immunity in a prior infected person at best lasts a few months from what researchers are seeing, and in many cases permanent/long term lung damage is the result  

4. This virus unless eliminated will circle the globe forever, constantly mutating, elimination is the key, but for many places politically this won't happen      

I see you are up to date with the catchy NYT headlines.

1. False. There are vaccines to adenovirus strains and semi-complete MERS and SARS vaccines.

2. Indeed, but to most of these there weren't trillions of dolllars at stake, neither certain perks as deliberate infection and massive number of volunteers amid an ongoing outbreak.

3. False. igG antibodies to all diseases tend to last a few months because that's how long most plasmocytes live to begin with and a small part of the immune response. All coronaviruses induce sterilizing immunity for about a year, but celullar immunity lasts far longer.

Besides, outdoor city air is considered carcinogenic and the leading cause of lung cancer by the WHO since 2015, so scarification from a cold virus should be the last of your concerns.

4. Coronaviruses have built in mechanisms that make them unable to mutate anywhere the same rate as other RNA viruses. Besides, even something like influenza strains, capable of multiplicity reactivation in situ, induce cross immune reactions many decades apart.