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Alara317 said:

Well said from beginning to end. I do have to ask though: Why are liberal 'agendas' considered bad or unsavoury? In my experience (and keep in mind I'm Canadian, not American), liberals stand for progress, inclusion, equality, and acceptance. These are the sort of agendas we SHOULD be fighting for and history has told us WILL prevail. All the current political discourse in the world (BLM, Neo Nazis in America, pretty much everything Trump says or does, etc) boils down to having that last pocket of ignorant bigots crying VERY loudly about their values no longer being accepted and trying their best to not go down without a fight. Racism, sexism, xenophobia...they're dwindling but you'd never know it becuase the people fighting FOR those things are louder and more aggressive than ever. We're more tolerant and accepting of interracial relationships and integration and LGBT+ Rights than we've ever been over in the western world...but the people who find those values to be 'wrong' or whatever are in their death knell and will continue to do so for as long as there's bigotry in this world.

Honestly, I am not looking forward to the next few years. it's going to get worse, becuase entitled, privileged, straight white people feel threatened by the encroachment know, social progress. When you're in power like that, balance and equality feels like oppression. Not gonna be fun. 

So yeah, Liberal agendas are good. We need more of them because conservative agendas usually are "HOO RAH GUNS!" or traditionalist or regressive or bigoted. that's not even just my liberal brain speaking, that's observable truth. Modern conservatives stand for regressive beliefs, not progressive beliefs. their entire political standpoint seems to be held up by the idea that all this liberal progress is ruining the world....and it's just not. Their view on progress is provably wrong, but good luck convincing them of that...hence why they fight so loud, are so aggressively resistant, and call out 'fake news' whenever pesky facts interfere with their feelings. 

Who are these people you're talking about exactly? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt as surely you can't actually mean all straight white people. Racism, sexism, and just being an ass in general isn't exclusive to them, see Nick Cannon's latest nonsense. Now you say these voices are so loud but I haven't heard them, certainly not aware of how they're being aggressive. Of course I've seen racist comments (and I mean real ones, not just opinions I don't like), but very few and generally from random nobodies with no power. It's possible I'm just very lucky/ignorant though, so that's why I ask to be shown examples.