Rab said: There is long term/permanent lung damage (lung scarring) for many people even without a lot of symptoms and young, but the worst thing is most lose their immunity after a few months, making reinfection possible compounding damage forever, we could be seeing massive health issues in all ages for years to come.. don't get sick whatever you do |
Yeah. Really can't afford ling scarring with what I do... Would kick me to the curb.
EricHiggin said: I could say the same. What is a collective made up of? I don't believe I questioned how essential you were, yet did point out my respect for what you do. So your job has nothing to do with your morals and where they land on the 'morality scale'? (continued at the bottom) |
I would like to think I am extremely moral and empathetic, otherwise I wouldn't live every waking moment trying to save lives.
EricHiggin said: "All people are not the same", is me being selfish? Acknowledging that people are different and that things shouldn't necessarily be the same for everyone because of that? Allowing them to have as much choice as reasonably possible? You don't even need air to communicate. We have satellites in space. It's not like you're always in a music studio when talking to someone else. Background noise and noise pollution, along with mother nature can make for easy miscommunication. When dealing with high voltage, especially utility scale, close enough isn't good enough when it comes to communication and operation. |
If you are not willing to undertake a few simple and easy approaches to protect someones health, maybe even their life... Because it might "take a few seconds longer to communicate". - Then yes. You are selfish.
People being different has nothing to do with it, yes everyone is different, that much I can agree with, but still has nothing to do with mandating the use of masks... No ones nose is that much out of joint where they cannot wear a P2 mask effectively.
EricHiggin said: Except for that only applies to those types of essential vehicles, which electrical (utility) vehicles don't fall under. No special lights or sirens, no unrestricted travel, just deal with the traffic like everyone else. Kind of makes you wonder how essential are they then? |
Essential vehicles = essential workers. Are you not seeing the common link here?
You are trying to place vehicle analogies in terms of under standing demographics of people... And that has backfired spectacularly.
But instead of admitting your analogy was faulty to start with you have instead delved into a logical fallacy and shifted the goal post.
EricHiggin said: The last political party didn't bother restocking after usage. The most recent, inherited yet another problem to deal with, and yet get's all the blame. Should have, would have, could have, is everyday life, and yet we act like the norm is perfection. "As reasonably as possible", does not mean anyone can choose to do whatever they desire, at least not over here. The US seems to be more forgiving when it comes to freedoms, but even some of the states that remained in significant lock down had substantial spikes when ever so slowly reopening, leading to more clamp downs. So how much lock down exactly was necessary to solve the problem as perfectly as possible? Nobody knows, that's the biggest problem. Isn't that what the USSR did? Kill/jail all the rich and hard working people to spread the wealth to 'boost the economy'? How did that work out for them? |
The last political party hasn't been in power since 2016. The fault is Trump and his party, not anyone else.
Not all PPE supplies last indefinitely, some need to be replaced annually.
I agree the united states seems more "forgiving" when it comes to freedoms, people seem to be free to shoot up entire schools, ignore social distancing and basic hygiene which results in plagues spreading, resulting in more deaths... Engage in blatant bigotry, discrimination and racism and more...
The USSR was always a nation destined to fail, not because they knocked off the rich.
EricHiggin said: So if you or I personally chose to quit doing our essential jobs, then that wouldn't matter, and wouldn't impact our perceived morality? Then why when you made it clear that you had the "moral high ground", did you use what you do at your job as affirmation? Who's more moral? Any essential worker, who doesn't wear a mask, or a wall street banker, who does and praises themselves on Twitter for it? |
Correct. It would not impact our morality.
A street banker isn't an essential worker, they can work from home.
My job is essential because lives still need to be saving... Whether it is pulling a child out of a burning building, whether it is cutting someones father out of a car, whether it is plucking dead bodies out of the ocean so that a family can mourn and get closure, whether it is scaling down a cliff face to grab someones much beloved dog that fell off. (I have done all of these.)
That is essential and never stops. Someone trading shares on the stock market? Do that shit from home remotely, the technology exists.
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