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JEMC said:

^Sometimes I wonder why I bother making the news...

Anyway, here's some food for thought article:

Game File Sizes May Skyrocket with Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, Says Developer

It looks absolutely fantastic. Especially the Nanite system for a start, I had to scoop my jaw up off the floor after that. It takes a lot of the headache out of asset creation, but at the same time, it starts to raise more concerns. And one of the examples is Call of Duty Warzone at the minute, as people are harassing Activision over the size of Call of Duty Warzone. And I think when we've got technologies now in the Unreal Engine 5 that allow us to use the original source meshes, with the original source textures and everything like that, the game file sizes are going to have to skyrocket which presents a unique set of challenges.

We've heard and had many debates over game sizes and if they could go down in size thanks to SSDs making redundant data unnecessary, but could the higher quality of textures and assets offset that and make games actually bigger?

Also, and just to put this "says developer" in perspective. It comes from a developer of a studio that opened this January and, so far, has created or shown nothing, so maybe his comments are worth taking with a pinch of salt.

Of course they will get bigger. I'm fully expecting 200GB installations on the next gen AAA games, with up to 500GB in extreme cases.

Which will make download size explode, too. Hope you don't have restrictive data caps...