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SnakeEyez said:

"i luuuv me some heavenly swooord" LOL I laughed. What I got out of that podcast is:

Guy 1: Killzone 2 looks REALLY good, like I'm not a graphics whore but it looks really really good.

Guy 2: Yea but there's nothing new, blah blah blah when u do this blah blah happens...Ive seen it already

Guy 1: Yea but there are things that I havent seen, like when u destroy a building and the particles fall down and the debris and blah blah blah (graphics)... it looks REALLY pretty.

I wouldn't think that that was positive killzone 2 talk, just more of the same that they said in their impression not too long ago. I think that this game is gonna be good, maybe not a 'reinventing the wheel' kinda of game (seriously y is it that ppl feel that EVERY game, to be good/great, has to be so unique and do soo many new things?), but a game that does things right and is fun.


That is positive, imo.  Most Killzone 2 detractors say that the first one was crap (and it wasn't really crap, by any means), so therefore the second will be crap.

This clearly says that the game is turning out great. It just doesn't really break the mold.  It's going to be a great shooter wrapped up in a really pretty package.


And as far as "generic" shooters go, this looks to be the top of the heap, as it's combining the positives from all the other big FPSes out there.

Look what this article has to say about the game:

The battlefield itself is designed to instill a sense of chaos and confusion, with blasts detonating all around and a dense soundscape of shouts and gunfire, much in the manner of the Call Of Duty series. Similarly, its aim system feels very similar to COD’s square view down the sights, and encourages the same careful stop-start aim-and-move approach to encounters.


Indeed, Killzone 2’s feature list is a checklist of modern shooter stalwarts. The cover system is called ‘lean and peek’, a capability apparently taken from Killzone: Liberation, Guerrilla’s isometric tactical action title in the series for PSP. L1 snaps the player to cover, with the chance to line up shots by peeking before popping up to take them. Strangely, there’s no blindfire option.

A buddy help system à la Army Of Two allows allies to boost the player to otherwise inaccessible places, with wonderfully animated sequences as the player-character pulls his way up, remaining in firstperson throughout. Though they can’t be ordered around, allies can be revived if they fall in battle, with the player accompanied by a squad for most of the game. Context-based chatter from allies and enemies is taken straight from Halo. “So players can understand the context in which the action is going on,” explains Ter Heide. “If you’re standing next to a barrel you’ll hear the Helghast say, ‘Shoot that barrel’, and you know it’s a good idea to move away.”

Shooting from Call of Duty 4 (though really the shooting hails back to the original Killzone, aside from the new iron sights mode), a buddy system like Army of Two's (in the original Killzone you were also part of a squad, but your mates weren't exactly the most helpful of chaps), enemy chatter akin to Halo (though the context base chatter was also in Killzone, to a degree), what game has combined stuff like this from other shooters into one package?  One BEAUTIFUL package?  PLUS it has the first person cover system, which the guys on the 1UP podcast really seemed to like.