LurkerJ said: I was captivated by the tight combat mechanics seen in the State of Play reveal (not the graphics or the environment). To me, it felt like FURI but with over the shoulder camera instead fixed camera angles, and I believe FURI is the best game released this generation. So I have been waiting for GoT reviews and it seems I was 100% correct with my assumptions, stoked! Sick of games that play themselves or have shitty combat, I couldn't bring myself to finish the Witcher or Ass creed because of their laughable combat mechanics and how mind numbingly easy they are to play , where is the challenge? |
From what I'm hearing, the Ps5 will be almost entirely backwards compatible with Ps4 games. Not sure if PS4 games are gonna get a 4K upgrade, though. I hope so, since I'm holding off on my 2nd playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2 as well as first playthroughs of Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Spider-Man for my new 4K TV
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