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zero129 said:
goopy20 said:

Because Epic wouldn't dare to show that demo running on a iphone in the first place. People would say the engine looks horrible and/or the iphone can't do graphics. So if Epic wanted to show off their engine and promote both the ps5 and the iphone at the same time, they would have had to take a middle ground where the demo would look good on both platforms.

It basically would have been a different demo entirely and on ps5 it would have looked a lot less impressive than what they've actually shown us, even if it would run at 8k and 2000fps. 

Dont be changing the goal post. You said yourself Epic could scale that demo to an Iphone (And they could) but it would look like shit.

So how would them having that demo running on say XB Lockhart at 1080P or 1440P using ms version of DLSS effect you in anyway?.

What will effect you clearly is if MS can release Series S for the 199-249 price range and by using their version of dlss have 3rd party games looking just as good as their ps5 and series x versions as we all know what parents low income gamers etc will go for.

Its like MS positioned them selfs perfect for this with Gamepass, Cross play now finally being a thing etc.

Means little johnny who wants to play the next exclusive gta or call of duty with his friends but his mom cant afford 449-499 ps5 but could afford a 199-249 series s will now be able to get in on the action. Add Gamepass and his got an instant library of 100's of new and classic games.

Because like I said, they wouldn't make that tech demo to begin with. They would make another demo that wouldn't look like shit on Lockhart, and Series X would just get an upscaled version of that. 

Think about it man. Its 4 vs 12Tflops... don't you think they could do a lot more with 12 Tflops if they targeted the same resolution? Sony could make a 30fps/1440p ps5 exclusive where all them Tflops can be used for overall fidelity and world building, while Series X practically has to do 4k/60fps else it won't work on Lockhart. If you don't see how that will hold Series X back then I don't know what to tell ya.