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Epic isn't publicly traded, so they don't have fluctuating "share price" like that, every investor has made particular deal.

Epic's CEO also emphasized the synergy in cross play, with Epic's platform used to allow "every platform" to achieve crossplay.
A good amount of Sony's issue with that was MS getting their fingers and eyes on Sony's customers, but Epic platform can avoid that,
with Epic's infrastructure also establishing vertical platform to address PC market from on own terms, not as 3rd party paying for distro.
I think a developing relation with Epic is also attractive for funding Sony's own games being ported to PC, since Epic can partially fund them
in proportion to expected PC sales, or for that matter Xbox sales if they go there too. Sony gets more total money from crossplatform sales,
while using their own capital more efficiently, allowing them to fund more game development if they wish. Of course they don't need
minority holding to do that, but it greases the wheels and keeps everybody on the same page if Sony has seat on Epic's board as seems likely.

Longer term the question is if there will be deeper integration of Playstation and Epic infrastructure, which IMHO is pretty likely at some level.
Integration of other media like film /TV also seems relevant, especially with Disney on board at Epic, furthering the appeal for both sides.

Last edited by mutantsushi - on 12 July 2020