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LudicrousSpeed said:
goopy20 said:

We will see soon enough. People are excited about the 23rd because they're expecting to see Halo show up as some next gen spectacle. I'm only listening to Phil here and I just don't see it happening. It will be a great game and it will be 4k, 120fps and/or have Ray Tracing. So there's that, but imo that doesn't make it a next gen game at all.

Of course developers are free to choose but in the end it's a business decision. There's a reason why nobody ever made an exclusive game for the RTX gpu's or for the mid-gen consoles. Financially it just doesn't make sense. I bet all the developers who are currently working on Series X games are making sure it runs on Xbox One and/or low-end pc specs first. Scorn is a next gen console exclusive but it will run fine on a 6-year-old GTX970 and even a GTX750 will be enough to run it, which is practically the same gpu that's in the ps4. Same thing with God Fall by the way. Not sure about the exact specs but it sure as hell doesn't look like a game that'll push the ps5 to its limits.

This all rings hollow when you’re also passing off cinematic footage of HFW as a true next gen leap because the underwater detail is like totally awesome. Basically ever since you started this crusade to constantly poop on next gen Xbox, whatever Sony does is right and great, whatever MS does is wrong and makes you mad. And if Sony does one of those wrong things then that’s ok, you’ll just flip flop.

We already saw it with what you qualify as a “true next gen” game. It was only a few months ago that you were trying to tell us that next gen games should be games designed to do things not possible on current gen. It wasn’t until people reminded you that PS4 had none of that for years and was chock full of cross gen games that you flip flopped to where “true next gen” just means better graphics we haven’t seen before. Cue your Horizon cinematic praise. Woah you can swim in the water. But it looks so good. 

By your own flip flopped definition, XSX should be fine. Who cares if the Xbone and XSX versions of Halo are designed the same, does the XSX version look way better? Well if HFW or Ratchet or GT7 are anything to go by, that qualifies as “true next gen” to you. But somehow for some reason you’re expecting more from MS. They’ve supposedly been poorly marketing next gen and lowering the bar and yet you somehow still expect them to blow you away on levels even Sony did not need to. Strange.

Basically one company showed a bunch of stuff that fundamentally looked like games we already play, but just look way better. But if another company does the same, it’s bad, because those games can also be played current gen. It’s fine logic I guess.

Look we went over this months ago. You might not think Infamous and Killzone were true next gen games but it's pointless to argue your or mine definition of what a true next gen game entails. People will use their own eyes and anyone who gave those games one look during the ps4 reveal could immediately tell it was a leap over anything we've seen before on ps3. Even if they turned out to glorified tech demos, they still got people excited for next gen and played a major marketing role for the ps4 early on.

Maybe you can convince yourself that Series X doesn't need exclusive launch games as the early wave of titles tend to suck. But I already said back then that the early games don't have to suck by default. What would happen if Sony didn't launch with a Killzone and Infamous but with a HZD and Spider Man instead? And guess what, that's exactly what's happening. I also said MS will have a hard time explaining the difference between their current- and next gen console with their consumer friendly strategy and that's exactly what happened in May.

Do I have psychic abilities? No, it's just a matter of listening to Phil and using common sense. I was also never a fan of the Killzone series but one thing is for sure, GG does know how to push amazing visuals and now they've struck gold with a new ip. It would be downright weird if HZW doesn't set a new benchmark in visuals and turns out to be a great game as well. You might say you don't care and that 2 years isn't that long, but lets be honest here. We would both love to see MS counter games like HZW, and whatever Sony will show in August, with their own Series X exclusives on the 23rd.

Unfortunately, pushing next gen visuals just isn't part of their strategy, pushing their services is. And like DonFerrari said, why would they focus on high-end pc's and Series X if they can build way more GP subscribers by not doing that? 

Last edited by goopy20 - on 11 July 2020