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chakkra said:
goopy20 said:

Well Sony hasn't shown much so that is kinda true. I was impressed with the glimpses we got so far, though. The thing is that new console generations aren't a new concept. Current consoles get outdated and after 7 or 8 years we all need to upgrade so we get to see things pushed to the next level. It's always been that way and nobody will get upset if support for their current console dries out and we move on. A complete reset is what drives new experiences conceived to be impossible on current gen and it's usually exciting stuff.

MS on the other hand is acting like we don't need next gen consoles at all. Its almost as if they're saying the ones we have are perfectly fine and the Series X is too expensive anyway. Why that bothers me is that I would love to play a true next gen Halo, Gears and hopefully some new ips. Also, I think MS messaging is super confusing for 3rd party developers. Like I said, as a developer would you invest in a AAA next gen exclusive when you hear Phil say "We don't care which console you buy"?

Well, I'm willing to bet money that the jump from Halo 5 to Halo Infinite will be bigger and far more noticeable than the jump from Spiderman PS4 to SP:MM.

And I don't understand your concern with 3rd parties, as it is always going to be their choice. I mean, we have already some developers choosing to be cross-platform and we have already some others choosing to ditch last gen (Like Godfall, Scorn, The Medium, etc) so it is always going to be their choice regardless of what MS or Sony say.

We will see soon enough. People are excited about the 23rd because they're expecting to see Halo show up as some next gen spectacle. I'm only listening to Phil here and I just don't see it happening. It will be a great game and it will be 4k, 120fps and/or have Ray Tracing. So there's that, but imo that doesn't make it a next gen game at all.

Of course developers are free to choose but in the end it's a business decision. There's a reason why nobody ever made an exclusive game for the RTX gpu's or for the mid-gen consoles. Financially it just doesn't make sense. I bet all the developers who are currently working on Series X games are making sure it runs on Xbox One and/or low-end pc specs first. Scorn is a next gen console exclusive but it will run fine on a 6-year-old GTX970 and even a GTX750 will be enough to run it, which is practically the same gpu that's in the ps4. Same thing with God Fall by the way. Not sure about the exact specs but it sure as hell doesn't look like a game that'll push the ps5 to its limits.