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chakkra said:
goopy20 said:

Maybe that's the only parameter that matters for fanboys. But Halo not being on ps5 is just a business decision, whereas Horizon Zero West being exclusive to the ps5 is a design decision. Big difference there in how far the developers can potentially take their ambitions.

The truth is that MS is too busy being all consumer friendly that they ARE forgetting the people who are excited about next gen. You know the people who want to see exciting new games, conceived to be impossible on current gen. I get what you're saying and that you won't settle for anything less than the best version of Halo Infinite. But how many people bought a X1X or a high-end gpu to play the best version of base console games? 

There simply is a difference between a generational jump we typically see when new consoles come out, and scalable graphics like we see on pc. This is the difference.

It always amazes me how you can say such things with such confidence without actually seeing the games. I mean, what exactly on that HZD trailer made you think that it would be impossible for it to run on PS4? Because all I saw there was more details in vegetation, textures, reflections a draw distance; you know.. graphics? (and it didn't even look like a generational leap graphically speaking).

And I would also love to see what are those "design choices" that make Spiderman, Sackboy and GT7 impossible to run on PS4.

And you know what? maybe is because I'm not an early adopter that I'm able to see things from a different perspective but, no matter how much Sony wants it, no more than 25m people will be able to buy the PS5 in the first year. That means at least 90m PS4 owners won't even have the option to play those games just because Sony decided to lock them to the PS5 and use this "oh, these are new experiences only possible on PS5" PR even though is plain as day (for anyone who is not willingly closing their eyes) that those games can indeed be played on PS4.

Because the old consoles hitting a wall is the whole point of releasing new ones. Why would Sony leave behind 100m customers and start from scratch if the ps4 can do everything the ps5 can? 

It's Sony's job to show us why we should upgrade and get us excited. They haven't shown us a lot but I'm sure they got that part covered. MS should be doing the same if the Series X has any sort of priority for them, but this has practically been MS marketing messaging so far..

MS: Buy our 12Tflops beastly console!

Also MS: Or not...