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EricHiggin said:
DonFerrari said:

Yes I mean Lev, and yes he would be transman. Still people that think Abby is trans very clearly didn't play the game and even try to impose they have a great knowledge of it.

And you are right about the second paragraph. If Lev was expelled from Seraphites and sister was hanged to die then of course they have 0 acceptance for him so it would be ludicrous to expect they to call him Lev.

I guess you missed the point. It is about the public you want to reach and not how much you put in the development that define if something is popular or niche.

You are still trying to do big fallacies. You tried to use the biggest seller and say anything that doesn't sell like it isn't popular, how does that make any sense?

So if any small dev team says they want to make a AAA game to reach that audience, with a budget of less than a million bucks, and a two year dev deadline, that game automatically becomes popular entertainment from that point forward? 

You mean Minecraft? I'd say it's popular entertainment but only because of it's positive reception and massive sales over time. Minecraft wasn't popular entertainment only weeks after it launched though.

No it doesn't become popular because that is decided by the market, but it certainly is the objective of that dev. Not sure what kinda point you are trying to make that needs you making fallacies, distorting my point, reaching and making strawman all at once.

Runa216 said:
DonFerrari said:

For me the only real issue with having an agenda is the same as being a fanboy or similar. Not being open with it or trying to deny you have.

If someone tell me he is a Xbox fanboy or an avocate for LGBTQI+ I'll take their opinion or facts at face value and may agree or not and will just discuss it. If a person say is neutral or similar but it is very clear that is a lie I know that the points are actually pretension so I can't take it at face value and have to double think on the intentions.

this is nothing like fanboyism. this isn't something superficial and stupid like preferring Marvel over DC or vice versa. This is literally a matter of normalizing things and making people's lives better. It's about ensuring marginalized groups aren't ostracized to the point of depression or suicide or that they aren't stigmatized enough to inspire murder or assault. 

This isn't some game analogy. This is real life, and that's where the difference lies. Politics are important becuase they literally are life-altering changes to people in need. So I repeat: what's bad about having a political agenda, especially when that agenda is 'normalizing LGBT+ members of the community for the sake of making them feel respected and included'?

I won't enter this discussion on this because you really can't "normalize". Because being normal, is being the norm, being what is most common. And you just basically ignored the point made anyway.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."