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Case in point, teenagers need to stop partying

A town south of Montreal has partially shut down—again—all because of the recklessness of a few teenagers, its mayor says. About 50 people have now tested positive for COVID-19 in a new outbreak in the Montéregie region, all of them directly linked to two house parties that happened there this weekend, health authorities say.

Most of the 50 are young, said Montéregie public health spokesperson Chantal Vallée. But the infection has spread past the partygoers, she said. “Some cases are parents, friends or colleagues of these young people,” she said. In the town of Mercier, the owner of a local bakery is now in quarantine, his shop closed since Monday, after one of his young employees caught the virus. "It was a moment of madness, of carelessness, weakness,” said Frederic Dugas, the co-owner of Fantaisie du Blé bakery. He said the employee is usually a good kid, but he slipped up and went to a party in the neighbouring town. He probably didn’t envision the potential consequences.

Employees of at least five businesses in Mercier have now tested positive, including people who work at the town’s IGA grocery store and its McDonald’s, says mayor Lise Michaud. “It’s an enormous impact,” she told CTV News. “We have so many businesses that have had to close their doors.”

It's so frustrating, this pandemic could have been stopped in less than 2 months, yet we're still isolating since early March. The consequences are really starting to show now. My wife took our youngest to the hospital today with breathing difficulties, sleeping problems and panic attacks, likely heightened by allergies and the relentless hot weather. There they said it was mostly due to anxiety, he needs to see his friends. He's been home from school since early March and has only seen his nephew (and his brother of course) since then. He's afraid the virus is going to kill him. (how do you convince an 8 year old he's safe) We never have the news on but the subject does come up and of course he knows about the masks, risks and not being able to go anywhere.

The weather is a big factor, now over 40c with humidex every day, pool is 32c can't get it to cool down, night temps stay above 20c, feels like 30c by 8 am. So he can't go outside (doctor says he needs to stay in air conditioning as much as possible) which only leaves home or grandma's house. Can't invite friends over or send him over since that would be outside of the current 'bubble' limits. (Playing outside would be fine but too hot)

At least the doctor (in full ppe, mask, face shield, gloves, coverall) had a good talk with him and the expert authority got him calmed down. Prescription: lots of popsicles. They get kids like him in all the time now, they need that school interaction back (in a safe way). Mental health has become a serious issue for younger kids. Not sure what to do, the 14 day forecast looks terrible, 32c to 43c for the next 2 weeks. July is going to break all weather records :(