JRPGfan said:
Torillian just say it like this : thats like 4-5 times as many deaths, by corona virus, in about 1/3th the time. |
That and we have many rules to prevent car crashes.
Think of wearing a face mask as wearing a seat belt and having air bags.
Think of social distancing as speed limits and stop signs.
See what happens to car crashes without those.
Actually fatality rates on the roads were slightly on the rise due to more people speeding due to fewer traffic jams after many workplaces closed down.
One more way Covid19 causes more deaths :/
Another concern when schools start up again. A lot of people haven't driven much in a long time and seem to have forgotten how to drive (really :/) I've noticed it while cycling on the road, so many stupid risky overtakes forcing oncoming traffic into the soft shoulder. I'm sticking more to the gravel roads now, the main roads have become more dangerous. People have also gotten used to not slowing down for school zones anymore. Toronto recently installed speed cameras in a lot of school zones that will automatically ticket speeding drivers.