the-pi-guy said:
iron_megalith said:
Indirectly he does refer to TLOU2 which is HIS project. What else can he be referring to?
Certainly TLOU1 or any other past projects is not the topic here.
Him saying his work challenges conventions is quite narcissistic of him. His statement about HIS project is subjective. You let your art do the talking and let the crowd judge and decide. This is him looking like a fool by unnecessarily exalting his work.
If he had just stuck with defending people's hard work in this project(which deserves to be recognized) without self proclaiming any titles, it would have been totally fine.
Why is it "his" project?
He worked with two other directors, another writer. Not to mention ND's structure is flat. Anyone can suggest anything to anyone.
I doubt he considers it solely his project.

Did I say that it was solely HIS project? That's like saying Interstellar is not Christopher Nolan's project because many people worked on it.
the-pi-guy said:
iron_megalith said:
There you go again. If you think I have some vendetta about this game, I think it's time for you to let go of that boogeyman. I haven't even engaged in a conversation about TLOU2 ever since you lashed out on me in the other thread. Because I really just don't care about that game at this point and I've already said my piece.
Now if you think that post of mine is regarding TLOU2, then you're sorely mistaken. And if you say that I am the only one who has raised an eyebrow at Neil's statement, open your god damn eyes.
Considering the dialogue around the game and ND since a few months ago, has included death threats and complaining about things that don't exist, no one should give half a mind how many people "raised an eyebrow".
Like I said, if he really wanted to just defend his colleagues, he could have worded that in a different way. You could have taken those few words away that unnecessarily exalts his project and substitute that with something more meaningful and encouraging words to their team. And also, this is not the first time he did something like this.
Last edited by iron_megalith - on 07 July 2020