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Nighthawk117 said:
Jumpin said:

It's pretty obvious the US is lying about their numbers. You can't trust what the US says about anything. It's all political games with them.

Ok, I'll play along.  So, you say the CDC is a bunch of liars. Ok, whatever, but in that case....Russia, India, Brazil, China, etc....etc...can suck my balls...

Because those countries are far, far beyond the USA when it comes to lying about the true effect of this fuckin' virus.

Got any examples to back that up, because there are plenty for the USA and Trump.

For example on the 4th of July

"Now we have tested almost 40 million people. By so doing, we show cases — 99% of which are totally harmlessresults that no other country can show because no other country has testing that we have. Not in terms of the numbers, or in terms of the quality," he said, once again also falsely claiming that rising cases are caused by increased testing.

There I crossed out all the lies. I'll grant him rounding 37 million up to almost 40. (It's 38 million currently)

Russia is definitely undercounting deaths, yet they explained what they're doing (only counting death by pneumonia with confirmed covid19)
Brazil or rather Bolsonaro is placing the economy over the 1000+ lives lost per day. It's not lying when you say so openly :/
India, dunno, seems they're trying.
China, who knows, but their hard handed tactics are working.

The one that's lying the hardest about the true effects of this virus seems to be Trump. How many times has he said now this virus will just sort of go away.

Anyway, what's the point in deflecting to (a few) other countries are worse? My house is on fire! It's fine, down the street is burning worse. It seems the USA always does that. Don't mind Abu Graihb or Gitmo, Saddam Hussein did much worse!