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This map shows why it would be 'terrifying' to open Canada-U.S. border

This photo shows COVID-19 cases in Canada and the United States. The data on the map above is on a more localized level in the United States, which makes it appear more red, but there are an overwhelming number of cases south of the border compared to Canada. (Source: Johns Hopkins University)

New daily cases are rising in 46 places

It seems the relative success in Canada is perhaps making people too confident again

In response to 239 scientists warning to look out for airborne micro droplets: While some provinces may take further safety precautions, Bogoch said there is currently no risk that the virus will be contracted through airborne transmission "If someone had COVID-19, they were in a room, then they left the room and if someone just went into that room an hour later and they just stood there, they're not going to get COVID-19," Bogoch said.

However in at least one contact tracing case in a restaurant, it happened like that... (Except everyone was sitting in the same room for an hour) I just have no idea whether it would be safe for the kids (or for us) to go to school again (just before the predicted second wave will hit) without any measures against airborne transmission. Install UV-C filters on the central air systems at least.

For now still (slowly) heading in the right direction

However two new outbreaks locally at Lowes (home improvement store) and a LCBO (liquor store). Local cases up again. (just a few but who knows where else it spread) At least we're back on the level of reporting individual cases and where.

Mobility updated to July 3rd

That little wobble at the end is Canada day, July 1st.

The heat wave continues, keeping people a bit more at home currently.