JRPGfan said:
"So my sister has tested positive for covid. Again.
"She caught it the first time in the middle of March, fought it for weeks, and finally in the beginning of May had three successive negative tests. She works for Disneyland and has gone back to work. And on the latest round of employee tests, her swab, along with three or four of her coworkers’, came back positive. She’s getting a blood test to confirm.
I’m terrified. If the blood test comes back positive.. What does this mean? How could this happen?" - TwntyOneTwlv (resetera)
His sister got it March, and now in July (4-5 months lateron) she got it again (atleast tested positive). Either its a new strain, or she just lost all her immunity within 5 months (or dead cells in her blood, tests picking up on).
Still of the opinion every damn country in the world, needs to get the Rt under 1, and keep it there. Why gamble on something we arnt sure can even work?
*edit: They asked if she was actually getting sick, and it was not just a overly sensitive test that picked up on dead cells in her blood.
His reply: "She’s experiencing chest pain and she might have fluid in her lungs." - TwntyOneTwlv (resetera)
"is she exhibiting symptoms?"
new reply: "100.3 fever, chest pain, fluid in her lungs, and no taste." - TwntyOneTwlv
Herd immunity is not the way. You need to keep this virus undercontroll at all times.