Hynad said:
EnricoPallazzo said:
I won't go here why I think he is a hypocrite and full of himself, that would be a topic for another day and it is just my opinion, you may have a different one.
As for his message it is very clear to me what he tried to do and I can read between the lines that it was not directed only for those who sent the death treat messages. The second part of his tweet makes it clear for me.
As as for being a hater of the game you could not be more wrong. I praised the game several times and said it is a masterpiece several times, from a technical point of view. As for the story, pacing and characters I definitely dislike it. This is far from hate in my opinion. I'm just a guy that don't think this is a 10/10 and this should not upset you or other people. Still, it does.
So you have nothing to say to explain your comment, because it's supposedly a topic for another day... Yet you first raised that opinion here nonetheless. Sorry, but that's bullshit. You're trying to evade this because your opinion isn't defensible.
And I don't fucking care about people not thinking this is a 10/10 game. It's not a 10/10 for me either. So stop trying to read between the lines because you're really not good at it.
I won't go into it because I'm sick and tired of angry people like you on the internet, going into this discussion will take it nowhere and just consume my time. You love the guy? Good for you. I think he is a hypocrite and full of himself this is my opinion and I have absolutely no obligation to explain it to an angry person looking for an argument like you. Go grab a beer or something and chill out.
As for reading between the lines I was very clear I was talking about Drunkmann and not you, you were very clear on your opinion that I was shitting on the game which I made clear it's not the case.