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shikamaru317 said:

For me:
The Initiative > Playground > Obsidian > Double Fine > Turn 10 > Rare > Ninja Theory > Compulsion

I chose The Initiative because I feel like they're the dark horse of the AAA bunch. We don't really know if they are doing Perfect Dark, a new IP, or both. They've been hiring top tier talent. Darrell Gallagher did a fantastic job on the Tomb Raider reboots, turning a series I had never been all that interested in, into one of my favorite series, I would love to see what he can do with a franchise I am interested in (Perfect Dark). And they seem to have the Unreal technical expertise of The Coalition on their side as well. I expect great things.

Playground and The Initiative are virtually neck and neck for me. I love Fable and it is pretty much a sure thing that the RPG team is rebooting it, and much like The Initiative that team has hired alot of top tier talent for lead and senior positions. On top of that, there is a chance that Horizon 5 may be shown as well, and I adore the Horizon franchise.

Obsidian comes in at #3. Their AAA RPG project, described as a Skyrim-like 3D Pillars of Eternity game, sounds right up my alley as a big fan of Skyrim. However, Obsidian's technically weakness lowers them on my hype meter; they have never released a game with top tier graphics, and many of their games have had performance issues as well.

Double Fine comes in at #4 because of the possibility of them announcing Brutal Legend 2. Tim Schafer has teased plans for a sequel at multiple points over the last decade, most recently hinting that they would crowdfund it if Psychonauts 2 was successful, but that was before MS bought them. I'm hopeful that the very first thing they did after getting Microsoft money was put Brutal Legend 2 into development. However, since MS has only owned them a year, it's more likely that they will announce a smaller project from a secondary team, that had already been in development before MS acquired them, so we may not see Brutal Legend 2 until next E3, or E3 2022.

Turn 10 comes in at #5 for me. I have never enjoyed the Motorsport series as much as the Horizon series, but I still play Motorsport, and am hopeful for a good graphical showpiece title that will show up GT7.

Rare comes in at #6. I am interested in Everwild, but I need more details before I will allow myself to be excited for it. It needs to have a a good singleplayer option, which is something that Sea of Thieves lacked.

Ninja Theory comes in at #7. I'm still unsure if I will play either Hellblade 2 or Project Mara, though I am excited to see them, since they are both likely to be graphical showpiece titles.

Compulsion comes in at #8. Out of all of Microsoft's studios, they have the worst track record. However, it is clear that they also have enormous potential, We Happy Few looked fantastic, but they stupidly tried to make it a AAA when they only had a AA dev team, which caused many issues. Hopefully under MS they can live up to their potential. They may end up being a major dark horse for Xbox.

I'll largely co-sign this, except I'd switch Ninja Theory and Double Fine.