JRPGfan said:
It can take like 2-3 weeks for people to "die" to this virus. |
Yep dying quickly is a rarity, avg time to death is 18.5 days after symptoms onset which is avg 4.5 days after getting infected. Then there's a delay in reporting after confirming it was covid-19. It can take far longer as well and even pulling through eventually doesn't mean its over
76 year old, on a ventilator for a month, she was in hospital for another seven weeks, and had to re-learn how to walk.
And you're left with damaged lungs :(
Women in her 20's...
https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/medical-advances/covid-19-advances-in-care/double-lung-transplant-saves-patient-after-covid-19That was what was left of one of her lungs...
Anyway, we'll see in 3 weeks what the CFR is for today's 50K+ daily cases. Testing is also improved nowadays compared to the previous peak, the percentage of missed cases should be lower nowadays thus also a lower CFR. Together with better treatment options and lower average age of newly infected the amount of reported deaths per day hopefully won't go back up to 2200.
Atm USA is a bit under 600 a day, same level as Mexico. Brazil is just over 1,000 a day, India passed the 400 a day.
For reference, Italy peaked at 813 7-day avg, Spain 866, UK 943, USA 2255.