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Aww shucks. Thanks rather, I don't want anyone to travel to the UK and back anyway.
14 day quarantine is still required here until August 31st for returning travelers with fines up to $750,000 and/or 6 month in prison if ignored.
Borders are still closed to foreigners until July 31st. (USA July 21st but will likely be extended again)

There are still plenty people here that simply don't get it

And the inconsistencies continue. Today I saw a father taking his 2 little kids into a store, why bring them in the first place, but they had face masks on, good job dad. However he didn't wear a face mask himself.... So what's the point! /bang head against wall.

Ontario is still doing ok for now. One new local case in the past week, avg for the province down to 160 per day. The big question is, do younger people go to get tested as much / are they as watchful for mild symptoms. Even without symptoms you can kill:
A friend who was at the party reached out to Macias to say he had coronavirus, and he was aware of the diagnosis when he attended the gathering but didn't think he could infect anyone because he had no symptoms, Lopez said.

He was 51 with diabetes, was careful but after restrictions eased up allowed himself to go out once to socialize.