JRPGfan said: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/30/us-buys-up-world-stock-of-key-covid-19-drug "The drug, which was invented for Ebola but failed to work, is under patent to Gilead, which means no other company in wealthy countries can make it. The cost is around $3,200 per treatment of six doses, according to the US government statement." 1) what the hell do you need 500,000 dozes of it for? the USA doesnt have that many critical ill with covid19 in ICU beds does it? "Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau warned there could be unintended negative consequences if the US continued to outbid its allies. “We know it is in both of our interests to work collaboratively and cooperatively to keep our citizens safe,” he said. The Trump administration has also invoked the Defense Production Act to block some medical goods made in the US from being sent abroad." Nothing looks likely to prevent the US cornering the market in remdesivir, however. “This is the first major approved drug, and where is the mechanism for access?” said Dr Hill. “Once again we’re at the back of the queue.” |
Because the USA failed to lock down it's economy and defeat the virus, flattening the curve and instead put money ahead of life... It's basically decided to punish those nations who did put life before money?
I mean, the USA needs to put the USA first, but that is just selfish.
What this might result in is other countries seeing that an over-reliance on American health technology is a bad thing and simply stop buying and investing with the USA in favor of other options, like Chinese... You know. Eggs and baskets and all that.
Ultimately the USA will loose out in the long term.
Is it safe to say that Trump is taking a popularity beating in the USA with his mishandling of COVID?
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