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Chris Hu said:
Rab said:

Or the incoming Climate change

Eventually Earth may only be able to support less than 1 billion 

We have been rightfully worried about this pandemic, but something bigger is coming over the horizon 

Don't think the effects of climate change are going to be that bad it mainly will affect people living at or near coasts and some low lying countries like Bangladesh will become unlivable due to rising sea levels and constant floods.  I wonder what happened to the guy that predicted we would all die due to global warming a few years ago since it would release all the methane trapped in perma frost and would make the atmosphere deadly to humans.

The effects are not that fast, humans don't seem to be capable to think further ahead than the next election at the most.

Last month, climate scientists reported in Nature Geoscience that these areas of abrupt melt could vastly increase the amount of carbon dioxide and methane released from the ancient carbon stores in permafrost. Under a high emissions future climate scenario, the total area of abrupt thaw reached 1.6 million square kilometers by 2100, and to 2.5 million square kilometers by 2300 (that’s 0.6 million and 1.0 million square miles, respectively). While less than five percent of permafrost lands experience this abrupt thawing, they produce almost half the emissions as gradually-thawing areas, which cover a much greater extent. Current climate models don’t include this rapid thaw process, but the authors conclude that counting it could double previous estimates of carbon emissions from permafrost thaw.

Doesn't mean we should act now. Oh whatever, I'll be dead by 2100.

It won't only effect people living near the coast, it's getting bloody hot and dry here in summer with an increase in tornado risk and I'm 3,000 km from the coast. Spring and flash flooding are on the rise as well, once those tropical hurricane remnants come over or from the rapid spring melt.

Humans will adapt anyway, slowly migrate North. Northern Canada, Russia, Greenland are all still there to be settled.