Hiku said:
I see.
I think people point out 'what' happened, but not 'why, they're commonly missing what TLOU2 tried to do that was unique to it unlike other revenge stories. Finding out the motive of an antagonist not unusual. Being able to play as them likewise. The first key factor is how Abby was introduced. Spoiler!
Joel meets a very brutal and pathetic end for such a developed and beloved character. We barely got to see much of him before it happened. And it was at the hands of an almost completely undeveloped new character. With a very imposing stature as well. All these things mattered, as they made it that much easier to hate Abby. I wanted to see her beaten to death with a golf club. I saw more than one person make that exact same remark. I can't recall feeling that strongly about killing a character before. It soon became apparent that they were going to try to make us sympathize with Abby, through flashbacks and by playing the game from her perspective. I've watched a few Youtubers since to see their reaction, and I commonly saw the same reaction to when they started playing as Abby. "I get that they want me to feel for Abby, but..." Finding out Abby's motivation still didn't change much about how I felt. And I don't think that was the point. It's everything that happened while we were busy thinking about how nothing will make that scene ok. I initially thought of anything in Abby's story unrelated to Joel as more of a distraction from the most important issue. And because of that, before I realized it, I was invested in a separate storyline with new characters I cared about such as Yara and Lev. I now also began to view Ellie as more antagonistic. Yet another thing that was not on my Bingo card when I first booted up this game. In the boss fight against Ellie, she's the cowardly boss with the gun while you're unarmed and have to try to sneak up on her. Mirroring the fight against David in the first game. The more extreme that initial scene was, the more heavily the game could challenge our views. I will say though that I think the writing majorly falters at the final act. Before that, seeing Ellie, Joel, Abby or anyone else as both good or evil depending on who's perspective you're looking from made perfect sense in this kind of world. And I'm glad Naughty Dog decided to explore that, while challenging our established views of these characters. Likewise, I also could not believe that Ellie would accept the proposal to once again go after Abby. After already killing so many of Abby's friends, and Abby letting her live, twice? Killing so many of Abby's friends should have been enough. "It has to be", as both her and Tommy decided earlier when they planned to turn back and go home. And that was before Abby let her live for the second time. Ellie losing everything in the end, facing her worst possible nightmare of being alone, not even being able to play the guitar that Joel gave her, was the price for pursuing vengeance. If her motivations in the final act had felt more in character, I could have appreciated this part more. |
I did understand the killing of Joel from the beggining and didn't hate Abby because of it. But because of the grouping and torturing.
After finishing the game it became clear that Abby wasn't bad but consumed by hate. Owen was just doing it because he loved her and Mel had a grudge but didn't had on her to really do it. But the rest of the people there were really bad people and you can see it from the convos.
Dante9 said:
The thing is that martial arts are really not that effective in real life confrontations, this has been put to the test in recent years especially. On top of that, it is one woman against two men who are not strangers to physical challenges themselves. This was a clear statement and it tastes like the crap that it is. For me, it was just a little blemish in a great game, nothing major but totally unnecessary. Also, they just might have pulled their punches a little because she was a woman, imagine the uproar if they actually kicked the shit out of a woman.. Interesting how this whole equality thing works. |
Where did you take that real martial arts aren't effective? If that was the case they wouldn't have been developed by millenia for confrontation and war. You may say that martial arts aren't effective against a gun pointed to your head, but to say a regular joe on the street would kick Anderson Silva as on his prime is totally wrong, sure if we were talking about 20 people kicking him then probably he wouldn't stand a chance.
You know BJJ? In Brazil during the 80s and early 90s they had a very bad reputation because a lot of their pratictioners used to go to nightclubs to provoke fights and smack opponents. One of the Gracie was well know for participating in street fighting, and during the early 20th century their dojo was famous to do public challenges and dojo hunting.
Dante9 said:
Why are the people who have no attachment to the first game even speaking on this? They don't seem to be able to relate to why people loved Joel and why the sequel seems bad to them. Just defending the agenda, no matter what. |
For me it seems exactly like this, since if gives portrayal of minority them it needs defense even if you don't like or care and anyone that likes or care but is complaining is automatically wrong.
Seems like I liked how the second game was done and you don't, I could overlook the agenda since the game was well put together, but for you it was off-putting. But we can talk civil about why and how we like or dislike and based on the merits of the game.
Dante9 said:
Yeah. Look, take any other game or movie that people loved because of the dynamics of the two main characters and their journey together. Bad Boys with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence comes to mind off the top of my head(yeah, it's ancient because I'm ancient, I know, although the third movie came out this year). Imagine people waiting for 7 years to get that second movie and then suddenly Mike or Marcus is brutally killed like 10 minutes into the film. Then the killer takes over the movie and never faces real consequences of what he has done. What the hell is that? The heart of the thing would have been destroyed and you would expect people to just love it and applaud the bold new direction? Well, apparently some people would. I mean, I accept now that Druckmann simply wanted to do something unexpected and controversial and that's his right of course. I just didn't find it appealing and I'm not alone. |
Did you watch the second movie? Because that is almost what happens. And Abby had very real and direct immediate consequences. Actually Joel was the one that gone without consequence for a long time and you were ok with it because you liked him since you played with him. That is probably why people often like and sides with criminals if they are close enough.
duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"
Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"
Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."