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Maybe some of these have already been done, but I haven't experienced them before and I'd really like these features:

Fingerprint scanner to activate online account/store to prevent hacking. I hate logging in by scroll clicking password keys. Make it work like the back of my Pixel 2 please and thank you.

All character save data stored to controller. I want to go play with a friend of mine on his version of my game in multiplayer? I bring my controller and my custom character is already ready to go. Would be great for Smash Bros., Halo, or really any multiplayer game.

No more headsets. The Bluetooth controller comes with built in mic and speakers that are superb quality and only capture your voice (it blocks sounds more than 3 feet away).

Complete customization of controller with random parts available online for order. I want a giant left stick that's like green and has memory foam texture? Done. I want a RB button that is made of sway material and makes no sound when I click? Done. No more of this standardized equipment. I'll spend more money on parts a la cart and have my own special, unique controller that confirms to the way I want to play games.

Wireless charging from 10 feet away from the charger. If I play 10 feet away or less that means it's always charging even when I play and therefore I don't have to charge it or change batteries (without playing or plugging in while playing) again.